
Insightful articles that make a difference for our community

Century Group Case Study

Century Group, a B.C. real estate developer, opened the first of its 900+ units of a housing project in Tsawwassen and began an online campaign to promote and sell its offering to prospective home-buyers. Tsawwassen was not top of mind in places most people would consider moving. People considered the community far from downtown and…

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Amanda McDougall for Mayor Case Study

In October 2020, Amanda McDougall, Executive Director of an environmental non-profit and one-term city councillor was running against a two-term incumbent Mayor with long-standing ties to the federal and provincial Conservative parties. Amanda McDougall had already fought an uphill battle since her election to city council in 2016-breaking into the mostly older, white male dominated…

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UFCW Local 832 Case Study

The United Food and Commercial Workers union (UFCW) has been a long-term client of Stratcom’s with Telephone Town Halls (TTHs) proving to be a cost-effective and efficient means when reaching out to and engaging with union members across Manitoba. In Manitoba, where UFCW Local 832 has members across the province, TTHs have been successfully used…

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Putting Workers First with the SFL Case Study

In January 2020, the Saskatcheswan Federation of Labour members from national and international unions sought to create a conversation to put public workers at the forefront and highlight the values of what it means to be a Saskatchewanian: hardworking, close-knit, community oriented and neighbourly. Working with the SFL, Stratcom developed a year-long campaign called ‘Putting…

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