
Insightful articles that make a difference for our community

Spirit of giving through text and online

A big casualty of the stay at home orders during COVID-19 is (unsurprisingly) face-to-face fundraising activities such as canvassing on the street, door-to-door or live events. Charities are now pushed to find new ways of connecting and deepening relationships with their donors that don’t involve in-person contact. As Stratcom has always provided telephone fundraising, we’ve…

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Connecting with thousands through Telephone Town Halls

With COVID-19 and social distancing orders in place, many organizations quickly switched to Telephone Town Halls (TTHs) to give timely updates, answer pressing questions and get feedback. Union and political clients reached out to their membership and the public to provide updates on implications for workplaces, respond to sudden layoffs and provide resources. They heard…

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Advocating for the majority, while recognizing (and respecting) outliers in a union

Unions play the important job of advocating for the rights and needs of their members, in addition to promoting fair labour practices for all working people. But how do decisions get made (particularly around collective bargaining) so that they are based on a representative consensus rather than just the loudest voices? Quantitative and qualitative research…

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3 Reasons why millennials are key to your next fundraising campaign

Right now, more than ever, millennials are plugged in and socially aware. Social media teaches them what’s happening in the world without having to wait for the 6 o’clock news or morning newspaper. Millennials don’t just learn about social issues differently from previous generations, they support and engage with them differently too. So, what does…

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